PTO Nomination Form


Brief Position Descriptions *this are a few of the required task of each position


Shall preside over meetings of the organization and executive board, serve as the primary contact for the principal, prepare the agenda and represent the organization at meetings outside the organization.  Oversee PTO events and fundraisers. President’s vote will act as the tie breaker for executive board meetings

Vice President

Shall act as an aide to the president. Performs the duties of the president in his/her absence.


Records the minutes of the meetings. Takes and keeps a roster of all members and voting members attending each PTO meeting. Help with flyers, newsletters. Maintain current and past records

Treasurer and Co- Treasurer

Has custody of all funds of the PTO. Keeps full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures. Makes disbursements as authorized by the President, Executive Board or organization in accordance with the budget adopted by the PTO. Presents a financial statement at every meeting of the organization and other times when requested by the Executive Board. Shall prepare all tax statements for all taxing authorities as may be required All such tax statements shall be reported to the membership at a regular business meeting. Reviews books at the beginning and end of term with the president.

Hispanic Ambassador

Required to be bilingual (Spanish and English). Primary role is to represent and communicate with the Hispanic community. Translate PTO meetings and PTO events when needed. Translate flyers, documents, newsletters upon request.

Cole Parents and Guardians you may nominate yourself for any of the positions listed above. Please indicate below which position you would like to server in. Your name will appear on a ballot in September for PTO members to vote on. Thank you.
Parent/Guardian Name:
_____________________________________________________    _______________________
                           Email                                                                                            Phone
Children At Cole:

I am interested in the following PTO board member position. Please check all positions in which you would like to run for.
____President ____ Vice President ___Secretary
 ___ Treasurer ____ Co-Treasurer ___ Hispanic Ambassador    
X Signature___________________________________________
By signing above you are declaring that you are a Cole Elementary PTO member, and have paid your $5.00 membership fee for the 2015-2016 school year. 


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