Apples For Teachers

Looking for a way to give back this month?  Let's show the teachers how thankful we are for everything they do? Here is your chance to give back!!! Apples for Teachers is the PTO's November project. How it works: pick an apple from the bulletin board that is located outside by the front doors, buy the supply, and deliver it back to the school. For complete details check out the flyers below. 

Pick an Apple to Give Back This Month!!!

Flyers with Details About Apples for Teachers

Questions please contact us at: ColeElementaryPTO@gmail.com


Science Kit Volunteers Needed

 The 3rd grade teachers are looking for eight volunteers for November 18th (next Tuesday) to put together science kits. The time is flexible, but it would be great if one person could be there by 7:15 to learn how to put one together, and then pass along the training! Please contact  brittany@esptn.com (the 3rd grade PTO representative)if you would like to help!! 

Introducing This Year's PTO Grade Representatives

The Cole Elementary PTO team has assigned a PTO member to represent each grade. These volunteers are selected to represent a specific grade level. We only assigned one volunteer for each grade, but they have the ability to rally more volunteers when needed or requested by the teaching teams. 

Introducing the PTO representatives for each grade level. These wonderful volunteers below have been selected to represent a specific grade level.  

Kindergarten: Haley Green
1st Grade: Stephanie Hawkins 
2nd Grade: Dani Brodnak
3rd Grade: Brittany Spradling 
4th Grade: David Kawcak

Below is brief distribution of responsibilities the grade representatives have been ask to achieve during this school year. 

  • Communicate directly with PTO teacher representative for assigned grade

  • Rally more volunteers when needed for grade activities: including field trips, classroom activities, field day, tutoring students, prepping materials, helping teachers with specific requested projects

  • Be the voice for your grade, and give a brief report if needed during PTO meetings

  • Generally make sure the needs are being met of the teachers in your assigned grade.

  • Assign other volunteers whenever needed to help you.

  • Communicate back to the PTO with a written report of volunteer/PTO activates that happen in assigned grade at the end of each month for data collection. Can just be a brief outline. 

If you have any questions or comments you may contact us at ColeElementaryPTO@gmail.com

We Have A New Playground!

What an incredible playground build day October 30, 2014 was! Check out these before and after pictures!

Thank you KaBOOM!, Nashville Predators and Cole families and friends!!!! You made all this possible for our students and community!



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